About Us
Since our business first opened in 1986 we predominately focused on training and boarding horses. During that time our lessons were limited to clients who had horses in to be trained or for the many boarders who came to us for help throughout the years.
While helping individuals resolve their equine issues, we realized many people had the ability to exhibit equitation skills, but posessed very little knowledge when it came to riding with control and discipline.
Unfortunately, most people who decide to embark on their equine dreams tend to assume there is no connection between the different breeds of horses or disciplines of riding, and will often allow the hype of a facility or the image of someone's success dictate where they pursue their future with horses.
We would like to share with you the fundamentals necessary to ride with a level of understanding and confidence that will allow you to create the experience you want, and leave you with a feeling of accomplishment. If you are truly serious and have the desire to bring out the best in yourself and the horses you ride, give us a call and don't miss out on this outstanding opportunity to learn!

Stoney Ridge
Horse Farm
(610) 393-0561 (610) 393-2077 email srhorsefarm@frontier.com
Copyright 2008 - Stoney Ridge Horse Farms
1019 Jacktown Road
Bangor, PA 18013
610-393-0561 610-393-2077 email srhorsefarm@frontier.com
Stoney Ridge Horse Farm - The farm for your horse!